[ARMedslack] armedslack & experimental kernel options

Stuart Winter m-lists at biscuit.org.uk
Sat May 22 08:01:38 UTC 2010

> I'm reviewing your kernel config ( for upcoming 13.1 to make it
> suit my board and processor (the same I wrote you of in e-mails some
> time ago) and I've noticed that there are many experimental options
> enabled. Are they really needed or would it be better if you wipe the
> off as Slackware rules say that as much as possible should be stable and
> not experimental?
> Some example options:
> General setup  --->  Export task/process statistics through netlink
> General setup  --->  User namespace (EXPERIMENTAL)

I have only knowingly selected experimental stuff on a few occasions when
I believe it's necessary for performance or provides a particular

In the cases above, that applies to neither of them, so it might be that
when running "make oldconfig"
 - I chose the default recommendation from the help text
 - I didn't notice it was experimental and selected "M" (I add most new
   stuff as modules)
 - and the most likely case - those options aren't exprimental in linux
   2.6.34 which was what the kernel config was originally intended for.

The "User namespace" is recommended "N" if unsure, and from reading the
description, it doesn't look like something that'd be useful on the ARM

I will review the kernel configs at a later date and see if there's
anything like this that can be removed.

> By the way, in few days I'm going to try 13.1rc1 on my board so I let
> you know "how and if" it works;)

Great thanks.

Stuart Winter
Slackware ARM: www.armedslack.org

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