[ARMedslack] kernel setup linux-

Davide louigi600 at yahoo.it
Fri Apr 22 13:23:41 UTC 2011

While going about recompiling kernel for micro root I noticed a few things that one can do without at least for kirkwood:

Fusion MPT device support 
  (this is a hardware RAID SCSI controller ... I doubt anyone will ever 
    have one connected to an ARM based embedde system even if a working 
    pcie slot. 

IEEE 1394 (FireWire) support 
  (The kirkwood SOC does not have firewire in it so unless you have a 
    usb2firewire adapter, which would not make much sense anyway, 
    or a pci* slot where to place one in you wont need this.
    Those who have a kirkwood based system with working pcie slot and
    a pcie firewire card can recompile kernel ;-)


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