[ARMedslack] Linaro and Slackware/Armedslack

Stuart Winter m-lists at biscuit.org.uk
Sun Jun 24 08:43:02 UTC 2012

> What prevents Slackware/Armedslack from cooperating with Linaro? Is it
> money, technical issues, politics?

The linaro web site puts it perfectly:
"Linaro is not a Linux distribution. The organization provides great
software and tools for distributions to pull from (including OEMs who want
to develop an in-house Linux).  Linaro's aim is to provide a common
software and tools foundation for the industry to use - making it easier
and quicker to develop Linux-based products. Linaro's software focus is on
areas that interact directly with the silicon such as multimedia,
graphics, power management, kernel and boot. Distributions such as
Android, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Tizen and Ubuntu provide the full user
experience whereas Linaro enhances the upstream projects directly and
provides useful components to any downstream distributions that wish to
leverage the work done by Linaro."

> It seems to me that the only open-source(-ish) alternatives to Windows
> 8 and Apple Ipad on ARM are Android and Ubuntu. I don't find it very
> exciting.

Thre are ARM ports for most of the distributions - Fedora, Debian,
ArchLinux, SuSE etc.

The reason the focus on ARM is with Ubuntu and Android is because their
respective owners have contracts and agreements with the hardware vendors
(e.g. Samsung).

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